What you see above is a full blown podcaster setup the old way and what you see below is all you need to get 90% of the same quality with just a computer and a good headset.
Here is the list of what is included in the complete podcasting system:
- Register your podcast name and help you choose the best name for your field.
- We would first setup your own personal website where your podcast will be and we set it all up on hostgator (You could add later to the website a blog, videos, etc.).
- Help you with your content for your homepage, about page, podcast page , and contact page.
- Setup your account where podcasts need to be hosted which is a blubrry account.
- Setup your i-tunes account so that as soon as your podcasts is completed we can upload it immediately.
- We help you create an intro and outro (this is the music and words that start and end your podcast and we help you create those words also). Here is an example of the voice over we will use and the music that comes with it:
- We help find and contact your first three interviewees and we can use a list of 20 possible canditates you’d like.
- I will co-host the first three podcasts and help you with the questions you would like to see asked and just get you used to the podcast format.
- We go through your whole podcast after the recording taking out the uhms and uhs (up to 5) removing any background noise as much as possible.
- Your initial setup fee for all the various services that are needed will be paid by us for the first month and then you will need to arrange for payments after that first month.
- We will setup your social media connections on the website for facebook and any two (2) other social media websites.
- This would give you a fully functioning podcast you can use for many years.
If you would like more details and pricing on the complete podcasting system, Fill in the form below:
[contact-form-7 id=”371″ title=”Start Your Podcast”]
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