Welcome to our website where you will learn where successful Baby Boomers are earning modest to extraordinary incomes. Many are bread and butter businesses that are easy to learn with only nominal investments.
I have started many businesses myself for under $500.
If you decide to be a consultant for other businesses using the pitch that you know everything about everything business, you lose them. If you tell them that you can fix their Volvo and their marriage at the same time, they’re not going to buy it.
“Keep it simple, stupid” is the old saying. First, get your foot in the door and then you can begin to show them all of your talents.
In the past, I have created companies in which I was able to earn 6-figure salaries by specializing in certain markets, and I’m a Baby Boomer like you.
I am interviewing business owners to not only learn what they are doing but to learn how they approach starting a business, and how to start one with low risk.
The best way to start a business is by developing a minimal viable product, in other words, a simple idea that works. What I mean by that is, find the simplest idea of your product that will sell. An example would be you offer a service that does resume writing not I can run your whole business.
These interviews are going to be fun. You will learn about several different approaches to business from my guests. I don’t necessarily agree with everything they say (and guests often don’t agree with each other) but a plurality of opinions will offer you the most valuable picture. I report; you decide. Here is a place to take advice from many counselors and pick what feels right for you.
I have some businessmen that say work is just work; do what your good at, and keep your passion for your family. Others say if you’re not passionate about your work, find something you have the aptitude and passion for and do that instead.
We will have a great journey together. I know I’m excited to meet as many entrepreneurs as I can and learn all I can. I hope you are too. I pick their brain to see how they tick and find out how to apply what they have learned to other business models.
I look forward to hearing from you. Your questions and support are very important to me. Please comment and please rate me on iTunes. I need your help!
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